
押花 | 非物质文化遗产


         Escort flowers



押花,又称压花,是一门独特的传统手工艺,它将花卉、植物经过特殊处理后,压制成平面干花材料,并以此为素材进行艺术创作。押花艺术巧妙地融合了植物学、美学与手工技艺,把大自然的绚烂瞬间定格,赋予植物新的生命与艺术价值,在 2014 年被列入惠州市第六批市级非物质文化遗产名录。


Development history


The origin of escort art can be traced back to ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered traces of floral decoration in the coffins of Egyptian mummies, which were placed inside after simple processing and may be the earliest prototype of escort art. In China, there were records of using dried flowers to make handicrafts during the Tang Dynasty. People pressed the flowers and used them to decorate clothing and jewellery, demonstrating a unique aesthetic taste.

到了 19 世纪的欧洲,押花艺术迎来了重要发展阶段。当时的贵族和女士们热衷于收集各种植物标本,并将其精心押制后装饰在信件、日记和家居用品上,形成了一种优雅的时尚潮流。这种风气逐渐传播开来,使得押花艺术在欧洲得到广泛普及和发展,成为一种备受喜爱的民间手工艺。

In 19th-century Europe, the art of embroidery entered an important stage of development. At that time, nobles and ladies were enthusiastic about collecting various plant specimens and carefully decorating them on letters, diaries, and household items, forming an elegant fashion trend. This trend gradually spread, leading to the widespread popularity and development of flower art in Europe, becoming a beloved folk handicraft.


Escort flowers



With the changing times, the art of embroidery continues to integrate modern design concepts and production techniques, expanding from traditional decorative applications to a wider range of artistic creation fields, such as embroidery paintings, embroidery accessories, embroidery home products, etc. Its artistic expression and commercial value have been greatly enhanced.






Production process

• 1. 材料采集:选择合适的花卉和植物是押花制作的第一步。一般来说,应挑选花型完整、颜色鲜艳、含水量较低的花朵和叶片,如玫瑰、康乃馨、雏菊、蕨类植物等。采集时间最好在清晨或傍晚,此时植物的含水量相对较低,有利于后续的压制处理。

• 1. Material collection: Choosing suitable flowers and plants is the first step in flower making. Generally, flowers and leaves with complete flower shapes, bright colours, and low moisture content should be selected, such as roses, carnations, daisies, ferns, etc. The best time for collection is in the early morning or evening, when the moisture content of the plants is relatively low, which is beneficial for subsequent suppression treatment.

• 2. 整理与清洁:采集回来的植物材料需要进行整理和清洁。去除残枝败叶、杂质和多余的部分,保留需要押制的花朵和叶片,并轻轻擦拭干净表面的灰尘和污垢。

• 2. Sorting and Cleaning: The collected plant materials must be sorted and cleaned. Remove residual branches, fallen leaves, impurities, and excess parts, retain the flowers and leaves that need to be pressed, and gently wipe the surface clean of dust and dirt.

• 3. 压制干燥:这是押花制作的核心步骤。将整理好的植物材料放在吸水纸或干燥板之间,然后用重物均匀压实。可以使用专业的押花器,也可以用书本、夹板等替代。压制时间根据植物材料的种类和厚度而定,一般需要数天至数周不等,直到植物完全干燥脱水。

• 3. Pressing and drying: This is the core step in embroidery production. Place the sorted plant materials between absorbent paper or drying boards, and then compact them evenly with heavy objects. You can use professional flower guards or substitute them with books, splints, etc. The pressing time depends on the type and thickness of the plant material and generally takes several days to several weeks until the plant is completely dry and dehydrated.


Escort flowers 



Unique craftsmanship     

• 4. 装裱与保存:干燥后的押花材料可以根据创作需要进行装裱。可以将押花粘贴在相框、卡片、书签、饰品等载体上,使用胶水或胶膜时要注意均匀涂抹,避免产生气泡和褶皱。完成装裱后的押花作品应放置在干燥、避光、防潮的环境中保存,以延长其使用寿命。

• 4. Mounting and Preservation: The dried floral materials can be mounted according to creative needs. You can stick the embroidery on carriers such as photo frames, cards, bookmarks, and accessories. When using glue or film, be sure to apply it evenly to avoid bubbles and wrinkles. After completing the framing, the embossed artwork should be stored in a dry, dark, and moisture-proof environment to extend its service life.




1. 色彩之美:押花作品的色彩丰富多样,源自大自然的天然调色板。不同季节、不同种类的花卉植物呈现出各异的色彩,如春天的粉嫩樱花、夏天的鲜艳牡丹、秋天的金黄银杏、冬天的红梅傲雪。这些色彩在押花作品中相互交织、映衬,形成了绚丽多彩而又和谐统一的视觉效果。

1. The Beauty of Color: The colours in the embroidered works are rich and diverse, originating from the natural colour palette of nature. Different seasons and types of flowers and plants present different colours, such as pink cherry blossoms in spring, bright peonies in summer, golden ginkgo trees in autumn, and red plum blossoms in winter. These colours interweave and complement each other in the embroidery works, forming a colourful and harmonious visual effect.

2. 形态之美:每一朵花、每一片叶都有其独特的形态,押花艺术通过精心的构图和布局,将这些形态之美展现得淋漓尽致。或舒展绽放的花朵展现出生命的蓬勃活力,或卷曲婉约的叶片呈现出自然的灵动之姿,作品中植物形态的疏密有致、高低错落,构成了富有韵律感和节奏感的画面。

2. Beauty of Form: Every flower and leaf has its unique form, and the art of flower placement showcases the beauty of these forms through careful composition and layout. The blooming flowers in the works showcase the vigorous vitality of life, while the curled and graceful leaves present a natural and dynamic posture. The density and height of the plant forms in the works are well arranged, creating a rhythmic and rhythmic scene.

3. 意境之美:优秀的押花作品往往能够营造出深远的意境,让人产生情感共鸣和遐想。比如一幅以秋日落叶为主题的押花画,通过巧妙搭配干枯的枫叶、银杏叶,再点缀上几颗松果,能够让人仿佛置身于静谧的秋日森林之中,感受到那份宁静与悠远,引发对时光流逝和自然轮回的思考。

3. The beauty of artistic conception: Excellent embroidery works often create profound artistic conception, evoking emotional resonance and imagination. For example, a flower painting with autumn leaves as the theme, cleverly paired with withered maple leaves and ginkgo leaves and embellished with a few pine cones, can make people feel as if they are in a peaceful autumn forest, feeling the tranquillity and distance, triggering thoughts on the passage of time and the cycle of nature.

4. 创意与技艺之美:押花艺术不仅在于对植物材料的简单运用,更在于创作者的创意构思和精湛技艺。从作品的主题选择、构图设计到押花材料的巧妙组合与精细粘贴,无不体现出创作者的艺术匠心。如将押花与绘画、书法相结合,或者运用特殊的材料和技法创造出立体效果的押花作品,都展现了押花艺术无限的创新可能。

4. The beauty of creativity and craftsmanship: The art of embroidery is not only about the simple use of plant materials but also about the creator's creative ideas and exquisite skills. From the theme selection and composition design of the work to the clever combination and fine pasting of the embroidery materials, it all reflects the creator's artistic ingenuity. The combination of embroidery with painting and calligraphy or the use of special materials and techniques to create three-dimensional effects in embroidery works all demonstrate the infinite innovative possibilities of embroidery art.

         Escort flowers 











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